The Villard Avenue Business Improvement District oversees the cleaning and maintenance for the district. The Villard BID has enlists a dedicated street maintenance team with Havenwoods Neighborhood Partnership. These crews oversee BID #19 's portering and landscaping efforts.
The Villard BID also seeks out other beautification efforts including overseeing the $14.3 RAISE grant project to redesign Villard Avenue, assessing public gathering place feasibility studies, and overseeing facade grant projects.
Villard BID & Havenwoods Neighborhood Partnership
Our current clean projects, events, and campaigns:
Villard Avenue Brownfield Remediation Project
Havenwoods Street Keeper street cleaning 4x per week

Villard BID & Partners
Rails With Trails Coalition Advocacy
Landscaping & planter care with the Green Team & GLCCC
Public gathering space feasibility study
Villard BID & Partners
Outdoor recreational locations in the neighborhood (Smith Park, Custer playfield exercise path, Ascension exercise yard and walking paths)
Nearby nature Lincoln Creek hikes, walks, and bike rides
Red Bike Green Organization community bike rides
Annual Promise Zone Community Bike Rides
NWSCDC pop-up farmer's market
Community Murals
BID #19 has launched a public art Initiative called Visual Vibes on Villard to bring public art to the business corridor. Thus far we have installed art on our bus stops, and now art murals on buildings in collaboration with the owners.
Neighborhood Residents juried and selected the art submissions from local artists to create impactful community artwork. This project was made possible by the Millard Avenue Business Improvement District and the following partners:
Milwaukee Department of City Development NIDC-CIP Grant
Milwaukee Environmental Collaboration Office
Covanta Environmental Solutions
AARP of Wisconsin Small-dollar
BIG Impact Grant
Wallpapered City
A generous contribution from an anonymous donor